Services - LM Accounting & Payroll Services LLC

What we do

Accounting Services

Accounting Services


LM Accounting & Payroll Services steer you closer to these goals with accurate record-keeping and reporting as well as support on financial issues such as initial accounting system setup, cost-containment, tax planning, Investments, and employee benefit and profit-sharing plans.

Tax Services

Our experienced professionals have prepared thousands of corporate and individual income tax returns. We can help you review your income tax situation before the end of the year – minimize your tax liability with a goal as our primary objective. We can help you develop a strong expectation of your tax liability and help you implement tax reduction strategies. To ensure you make the most of the latest tax laws that affect you or your business – while keeping you in compliance with the IRS.

Tax Services
Notary Public

Notary Public

What is a notary public?

In the United States, a notary public is a person appointed by a state government (e.g., the governor, lieutenant governor, state secretary, or in some cases the state legislature) and whose  primary role is to serve the public as and impartial witness when important documents are signed.

What we do

A notary public of the common law is a public officer constituted by law to serve the public in non-contentious matters usually concerned with estates, deeds, powers-of-attorney, and foreign and international business.

Payroll Services

Are you struggling with time? Free yourself and your staff from the hassles of payroll processing and get back to doing what you do best—running your business. As your local payroll services in Jacksonville, Florida, we work hand-in-hand with you to implement a solution that meets your unique needs. Once in place, you work with a dedicated specialist throughout the payroll process to ensure continuity, reduce errors, and save you time and money.

Tax Services


LM provides document translation services that help companies, law firms, and organizations succeed in global markets. Document translation professionals include subject matter experts. 

Ready to come in for an appointment?

Lucimar Vilarino Musch

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